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Film / Películas

Directors:  Ernesto Díaz Espinoza

Cinematographer:  Víctor Jiménez Atkin

Producer Design:  Quena Navarro


Kiltro es la primera película de artes marciales rodada íntegramente en Chile, y tiene como protagonista al actor y practicante de artes marciales Marko Zaror. También es la primera película realizada por el cineasta chileno Ernesto Díaz Espinoza. Tiene como gran mérito ser la primera película de Artes Marciales hecha en Sudamérica.



La trama gira en torno a Zamir (Marko Zaror), un joven descendiente de árabes que vive en el sector de Patronato y se enamora de una bella chica mitad árabe mitad coreana llamada Kim (Caterina Jadresic), hija de Teran (Man Soo Yoon), maestro de Tae Kwon Do buscado por el vengativo Max Kalba (Miguel Angel De Luca) por una antigua rencilla. Para defender a su amor platónico viaja al Norte de Chile a buscar a José Soto (Alejandro Castillo), quien lo entrenará para vencer a Kalba y quien al final resulta ser su padre. Finalizado su entrenamiento, vuelve a Patronato y descubre que Max Kalba asesinó a su madre. A la mañana siguiente se dirige al escondite de Max Kalba, que tenía prisioneros a Kim y a Terán. Después de una ardua pelea, Zamir logra matar a Kalba y liberar a los dos prisioneros. Finalmente todo vuelve a ser normal, Zamir se gana el amor de Kim, y vuelve al Norte a buscar a su padre.



Street tough Zamir has been in love with Kim ever since he rescued her from rapists, but the only way that he can express his affection is to attack any man who shows interest in her. Kim tolerates Zamir's infatuation, but keeps him at arm's length. When Max Kalba arrives in town to take vengeance on Kim's father, Zamir attempts to rescue her once again. Kalba overpowers Zamir and kidnaps Kim's father, who is the Master at the Korean martial arts school. Kim and Zamir flee and take refuge with a mystic dwarf named Nik Nak, who explains that Kalba will kill everyone linked to the "Sect" of martial artists to which Kim and Zamir's fathers belonged. A series of flashbacks reveal a love triangle between Kim's parents and Kalba, which resulted in her mother's suicide. While Zamir trains with a drunken Sect member named Jose Soto, Kalba's minions kidnap Kim. Zamir learns to fight in the "Zeta" style and is given a pair of bladed spurs for his feet. He arrives at Kalba's headquarters and easily cuts through Kalba's minions to fight the man himself. Kalba taunts Zamir with the fact that he has murdered Zamir's mother, and gains the upper hand. On the brink of defeat, Zamir takes strength from his love of Kim and kills Kalba. Later, Zamir checks up on Kim, and she grants him a second kiss in thanks. He departs to reunite with Jose Soto, whom he has learned is his father.

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